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Our distributors, Lovejoys Larder are specialists in sourcing and supplying fresh local produce. View their Supplier Map.


They stock our catering packs of red and white quinoa, ranging from 1kg - 25kgs.


They offer personal service and can respond to requests from chefs for specialist crops and can discuss your future menus and offer advice on cost-effective products, they have the expertise to know when prices will be affected by the weather, for example.


They are unique in the industry in their desire only to supply within 90 minutes from their base in West Wiltshire. 


As well as restaurants and hotels, Lovejoys also supply farm shops, village shops, and school kitchens. 


To contact them please email or visit their website

Chefs of Instagram, you can buy our quin
Emily stands in a field of quinoa with Edward and Stephen Jones from The British Quinoa Company



When we started looking to grow quinoa back in 2013 we were approached by the British Quinoa Company, based in Shropshire. The majority of our crop is contract grown for BQC and it's via them that it makes its way into some major High Street stores such as Waitrose, Marks and Spencers, Pret A Manger to name but a few.


Founder, Stephen Jones has been instrumental in helping us establish our place as the Westcountry's first and largest quinoa growers. 


We are proud to grow high-quality quinoa for the UK market, together we are working hard to raise awareness of British quinoa. The benefits of buying British grown quinoa over South American imports is that we offer 100% traceability, pure high-quality grains which arrive in your kitchen with zero-air miles.



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